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Andersen LLP Partner Steven Flynn Calls for Legislative Reform on BC’s Speculation and Vacancy Tax

In a recent letter to the Richmond News, our Partner, Steven Flynn, expressed his concerns about the impacts of the BC Speculation and Vacancy Tax (BC SVT) on families with unique situations. He highlighted the case of long-time Richmond resident Tony Chan, who has been subject to this tax despite residing in his home and […]

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Blog Alert – Vacancy Tax Update

November 29, 2023

Over the last few years, various levels of governments have enacted new taxes attempting to address the housing affordability crises. Our past blogs have addressed these taxes: 2019 Blog – BC Speculation and Vacancy Tax January & March 2023 Blog – Canadian Federal Vacancy Tax and Update November 2023 has seen more tax changes and […]

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Canadian Vacancy Tax Update

January 9, 2023

Real estate prices have increased rapidly over the last decade putting pressure on communities to provide housing solutions for families.  More jurisdictions are implementing taxes to turn vacant homes into rental properties.  This blog summarizes recent changes to these taxes. Federal Announced in the 2021 budget, the Canadian federal Underused Housing Tax applies a 1% […]

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Canada’s Underused Housing Tax

January 6, 2023

The Government of Canada enacted a 1% Underused Housing Tax (“UHT”)  on the fair market value of Canadian residential real estate held by certain owners.  Various exemptions apply to limit the application of this tax.  This tax is effective January 1, 2022 and requires reporting by May 1, 2023. Who Does UHT Apply To? UHT […]

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