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Americans Moving to Canada
Moving to Canada? Here are some things you should know The Canadian government’s immigration website crashed on election night. That might have happened regardless of which candidate won the election. Even if politics in the U.S. was not so polarized, moving to Canada might still be worth some thought. A recent cover of The Economist […]
Tax Residency: How Long Can I Be in the U.S.?
January 30, 2015The answer is, you can stay in the U.S. as long as you want to, but there may be tax consequences to how long you stay there. There is widespread confusion about residency which isn’t surprising. The word, “residency” is interpreted differently depending on whether you are talking about tax, immigration, health insurance, etc. Even […]
US Tax Confusion for US Persons in Canada
July 31, 2014Many U.S. persons living in Canada are angry, scared or confused about their US tax obligations and the new Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”). The internet is buzzing with stories of massive penalties, crippling professional fees and denied entry into the U.S., some of which may be partly true. Contrary to the internet, most […]
Will FATCA Be Implemented in Canada?
May 12, 2014Some commentators have suggested Canada’s recently signed Intergovernmental Agreement (“IGA”) with the US violates Canada’s Charter of Rights. If they are right and the IGA is implemented, it may be overturned by Canadian courts. The IGA is an agreement that modifies the US’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”). FATCA and the IGA FATCA is […]