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Changing Canadian and U.S. Tax Law

Feedback is a valuable tool for improvement. Whether you are a student seeking advice from a teacher, a professional listening to clients to upgrade service or a young point guard looking to beat a press (pass the basketball instead of dribbling it), we can all evaluate suggestions to help us improve. Governments and tax authorities […]

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How Do I Move to Canada – Tax Edition

March 6, 2016

This week, on the night US primary results came in from Super Tuesday, Citizenship and Immigration Canada reported an increase in its normal website traffic from the U.S. Google reported a spike in the search term “moving to Canada” in the hours and days after. U.S. citizens moving to Canada need to consider many issues […]

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Foreign Bank Account Reporting Forms

March 3, 2016

March means different things to different people. Spring flowers. Longer days. College Basketball. It’s also a time people start to think about their own income tax returns. Deadlines arise in the spring and March 15th is just one such deadline for some U.S. corporations and those individuals that are required to ensure a non-U.S. trust […]

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Update on IRS Tax Amnesty Programs

February 5, 2016

For the last eight years, the Internal Revenue Service has offered a number of tax amnesty programs to allow taxpayers to come forward and declare unreported non-U.S. source income and assets. Using these programs reduces penalties and can prevent criminal prosecution. We have previously written about some of these programs: Internal Revenue Service Amnesty Programs […]

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