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Top 5 Tax Issues: Canadians Doing Business in the U.S.

This article considers the top 5 tax issues for Canadians doing business in the U.S.  Conducting business in the U.S. can be a complex and challenging proposition because of the differences from conducting business in Canada. Significant tax issues can arise. This commentary is intended to highlight relevant U.S. tax issues and does not constitute tax […]

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Canadian COVID-19 Guidelines – International Tax

April 6, 2021

On April 1, 2021, Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) updated its guidance with Part VII – Supplemental Guidance[1] which provides further relief from Canadian residency and Canadian permanent establishment for certain non-residents of Canada and businesses by extending the relief period to December 31, 2020. The updated guidelines also provide an alternate method for cross-border employment income […]

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Divulgation obligatoire pour la planification fiscale agressive – Revenu Québec

March 29, 2021

Préparé par Andersen au Canada, l’associé montréalais Patrick Coutu et la directrice en fiscalité Divya Katyal. La Direction de l’intégrité et de la recherche en matière de planification fiscale agressive de Revenu Québec a récemment émis un communiqué confirmant que les mesures applicables dans la lutte contre les planifications fiscales agressives étaient étendues. Ces mesures, […]

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U.S. Taxes Non-U.S. Corporation on Gross U.S. Business Income

March 4, 2021

The U.S. Tax Court issued an important decision in Adams Challenge (U.K.) Limited v. Commissioner (“Adams Challenge”) in January of 2021 that will have implications for Canadians conducting business in the U.S. This case adds an important insight regarding the scope of the non-discrimination provisions included in most U.S. tax treaties. The case provides a […]

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