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Webinar Replay – U.S. Employees Working in Canada: Tax 101

Our September 13, 2022 webinar, U.S. Employees Working in Canada: Tax 101 with Steven Flynn and Kathy Li, is now available for viewing. Topics on the Agenda Residency Permanent Establishment Canadian Corporate Tax Filing Canadian Payroll Tax Canadian Tax on Employee Next webinar – U.S. Exit Tax: Tax 101. Register in advance!

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Webinar Alert. U.S. Exit Tax: Tax 101

September 7, 2022

Join Krista Rabidoux and Lei Zhao for a review of tax implications on individuals exiting the United States. Topics on the Agenda How to Renounce Who is Subject to U.S. Exit Tax What is a Covered Expatriate Net Worth Calculations U.S. Source Income After Renouncing There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation. […]

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Webinar Alert. U.S. Employees Working in Canada: Tax 101

August 26, 2022

Join Steven Flynn and Kathy Li for a review of tax implications on U.S. Employees Working in Canada. Topics on the Agenda Residency Permanent Establishment Canadian Corporate Tax Filing Canadian Payroll Tax Canadian Tax on Employee There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Attendees should include U.S. persons and […]

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Steven Flynn quoted in The Globe and Mail on IRS funding and its effects on U.S. and Canada

Our Partner, Steven Flynn, has been featured in an article by The Globe and Mail, titled, ‘IRS funding boost could result in ‘greater crackdown’ on taxes for U.S. citizens abroad’ Joe Biden’s administration was successful to pass the Inflation Reduction Act – said to be ‘a much different-looking piece of legislation than previously proposed’ by Globe and Mail. […]

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