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Top 5 Tax Issues for Canadians with a Biden Presidency

Nobody knows yet who is going to win the U.S. presidential election on November 3rd and that may be uncertain even then. The polls show Joe Biden will win, but they weren’t right in 2016. Biden has identified his plans to change U.S. tax policies, several of which may significantly affect Canadians. This article considers […]

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2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans

March 25, 2020

The Super Tuesday primary results quickly provided clarity to the Democratic nomination contest by further winnowing the field of candidates down to only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. One area where the Democratic candidates agree is that taxes should be increased on wealthy individuals and corporations. However, there are material differences between the proposals put […]

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Qualified Charitable Distributions – Tax Savings for Canadian Residents

November 18, 2019
Canadian residents that hold certain U.S. retirement plans may have an unusual tax savings opportunity when making charitable contributions.
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IRS Regulations Clarify 250A Deduction for Individual Owners of Non-U.S. Corporations Subject to GILTI

March 5, 2019

Last fall, we wrote about the U.S.’s Global Intangible Low Taxed Income (“GILTI”) and its’ adverse tax impact on U.S. persons that own non-U.S. corporations. GILTI impacts U.S. persons resident in Canada who own Canadian and other non-U.S. corporations. Without effective tax planning, combined U.S. and Canadian tax rates approaching 85% could occur as early […]

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