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Washington State Estate Taxes

Many thanks to Michael Mashni from Andersen Seattle for his assistance with this blog Canadians who are not US persons (not US citizens or US domiciles) are subject to US federal estate tax on the value of US situs assets they own on their date of death.  US federal estate tax rates range from 18% […]

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Top 5 Tax Issues: Canadians with U.S. Vacation Property

November 13, 2020

Many Canadians own U.S. vacation property and look forward to winter when they can spend time in their sunny second homes. Canadians that own U.S. real property need to understand the U.S. and Canadian tax issues on the rental or sale of their property. This article considers the top 5 tax issues that Canadian resident owners […]

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Canadians Selling U.S. Vacation Property

August 12, 2020
Canadians need to know how the U.S. and Canada will tax the sale of U.S. vacation property, particularly in light of CRA’s recent audit initiative on Canadians owning and selling U.S. real property.
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