Webinar Alert – Capital Gains Planning: Tax 101

May 14, 2024

Join Dale Franko and Philip Mei for an insightful webinar on Capital Gains Planning. In this webinar, they will discuss the complexities of capital gains taxation and optimizing your financial strategies.


  • Proposed Capital Gain inclusion rate
  • Tax planning opportunities for:
    • Canadian residents
    • US citizens resident in Canada 
  • Capital gains reserve

There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.

Who should attend:

Attendees include individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of capital gains taxation, tax professionals, Canadian residents, US citizens residing in Canada, and those interested in tax planning strategies related to capital gains.

When: Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 9-10 AM Pacific Time

Delivery Method: Group Internet Based (Webinar)
CPE Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None
Program level: Basic
Cost: Free