BizTax: U.S. Business Expansion to Canada, Part 2.
February 27, 2024 

Join Steven Flynn and Danny Guerin for an insightful webinar on U.S. business expansion into Canada.
- Sample Situations and Structures
- Strategies to Repatriate Profits
- Pitfalls to Operating in Canada
- Tax Implications – Sale of Business
There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.
Who should attend:
Attendees include Canadian & U.S. business owners, finance or tax executives and advisors seeking guidance on entering the Canadian market and understanding the crucial cross-border tax implications.
When: Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 9-10 AM Pacific Time
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based (Webinar)
CPE Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None
Program level: Basic
Cost: Free