Webinar Alert – Estate Planning for U.S. Citizens Resident in Canada: Tax 101
October 26, 2022 

Join Krista Rabidoux and Efrelyn Soyangco for a review of tax implications on estate planning for U.S. citizens resident in Canada.
Topics on the Agenda
- U.S. Estate Tax
- Canadian and U.S. Tax at Death
- Problems with Common Canadian Strategies
- Who Should be the Executor
- U.S. Beneficiaries of Canadian Estates
There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.
Who should attend
American residents in Canada with estate and investment that could be subject to U.S. estate taxes, and their advisors including accountants, lawyers, investment advisors, and others.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 9:00-10:00 AM Pacific Time (U.S. and Canada)